Follow the adventure trail
A thread of adventure runs through the fabric of Roof ‘n’ Roots – the quarterly newsletter of the Methodist Ministers’ Housing Society.
The Winter 2016 edition – out in time for Christmas – features the moving story of MMHS resident Joy Murphy (pictured). Joy, who lives in a Society property at Aylesbury, helps run a humble charity called Karibuni Children – which supports 14 projects for children in poverty in Kenya.
MMHS resident and former chair of the board Revd Pat Billsborrow has written a reflective piece on a life of adventure. ‘Retirement – or “sitting down” – doesn’t mean waiting for the inevitable end,’ she says. ‘It’s full of opportunities if only we’re prepared to look for them.’
A special round-up article Winter? That’s A Wrap! offers plenty of practical advice not only to make the most of the season but also to take up new interests and projects.
‘I’ve noticed there’s a common thread of adventure and trying out new ideas running through this winter edition of Roof ‘n’ Roots,’ said CEO Mairi Johnstone. ‘We all wrote independently of each other – and came up with these similar themes. Why not ask God for something new in 2017? Let’s stay “fresh and green” for as long as we can.’
The edition also offers some insight into the religious beliefs of George Lucas, creator of the Star Wars saga of films. With the latest of these movies Rogue One now on general release, people are encouraged to look out for any spiritual references to Lucas’ Methodist upbringing.
Roof ‘n’ Roots is sent out to all MMHS residents, but family and friends – and supporting churches – are most welcome to receive a copy, too. Please contact the Society and let us know if you’d like to enjoy this publication on a regular basis.