MMHS on Baker Street Map

How to get in touch

1 You can reach us with non-personal, non-urgent matters, general enquiries and comments by using the form on this page.

2 You can apply to become a brand new resident of MMHS by using the New Applicant Form. First, please read the supporting text here.

3 For enquiries during office hours:

4 For enquiries outside office hours:

  • phone 020 3848 6020;
  • for gas emergencies, press option 1;
  • for non-emergencies, you can choose option 2 to leave a message.
  • you can use our email address at any time –

Our normal office opening hours are 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, except
Bank Holidays.

If you choose the gas option, your call will be automatically directed to our gas contractor’s call centre. You can share with them whatever your concerns are, about the gas supply to your MMHS home.

Use this form for general questions, comments, suggestions - or even a compliment. Do not share personal details on this form. If you have urgent personal needs, contact the relevant team directly.