Hundreds celebrate our 75th summer!
Hundreds of people helped mark our 75th anniversary at this year’s Methodist Conference in Birmingham. Nearly 1,500 attended the event – with many of them viewing our exhibition stand and hearing our celebration song.
Conference played a video of the MMHS song Christ Is The Cornerstone at the end of a main session. We handed out scores of CDs containing vocal and instrumental versions of the hymn, which has been written by Paul Field. Every delegate received the summer edition of our news publication Roof ‘n’ Roots.
What a pleasant surprise to find one of our residents, Revd Dr Neil Richardson, launching his books Waking Up To God and Love Answering Love at the bookstall nextdoor to our stand in the exhibition hall. Neil is a great example of why we do what we do – to support retired ministers with a safe, comfy home where they can be creative as they enjoy this phase of life. Many thanks to the Conference team for helping us highlight our work. Here are just some of our celebratory scenes from the exhibition hall and in the main Conference session (Photos: Clive Price and Methodist Recorder/Amari Yogendran):