Rapid response to repair survey
Feedback has been overwhelming to the Society’s latest property survey. More than 500 tenants rushed their completed questionnaires back to MMHS within a month of the 2016 review starting.
Such a rapid response delighted the Society’s property team. But they were encouraged even further when some householders also added glowing comments to their forms.
‘We’re well satisfied with the way you’ve cared for us over the years,’ said one respondent. ‘Everything is adequate for our needs,’ said another, ‘we’re grateful to MMHS for providing a home for us.’ And one tenant simply said, ‘Just thank you for a beautiful home’.
CEO Mairi Johnstone sent out the letters in March, inviting tenants to take part in a new planned maintenance programme. ‘We needed basic information on the condition of each home,’ said Mairi, ‘and then householders’ views would help us draw up the programme for many years to come.
‘We didn’t expect such a wonderful response with such heart-warming comments. That has been a lovely bonus to the scheme. Thank you for the encouragement!’
Enclosed with each letter was a form which asked questions about the condition of each kitchen, bathroom, windows, driveway, roof and external painting. Tenants were asked to give brief descriptions of anything they saw that concerned them.
‘Once a programme has been put together for the planned maintenance, we’ll write again to inform householders about any work that needs to be done and when it will be undertaken,’ said Mairi. ‘Regular repair needs that people have identified will receive our attention separately.’
The Society has undertaken a general study of its housing stock in the past. But this is the first repair and maintenance survey – and particularly where tenants have submitted their own findings. ‘We thought they’d be the best experts on their own homes,’ said Mairi.
(Pictured is a kitchen at a house in Greater Manchester, recently refurbished by MMHS contractors)